| Cato Research's List of Meetings in
Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Development
A searchable listing by date of meetings worldwide in pharmaceutical and biotechnology
areas. Hypertext links are provided to the sponsor's Web site, where additional
information such as agendas are available. |
 | FDA Advisory Committee Meetings |
 | Events in
Bioscience and Medicine (HUM-MOLGEN)
Organized by date, subject and location, with programs and speakers listed. Compiled by
a forum in human molecular genetics. Fully searchable. |
Searchable site of conferences on many subjects including medical devices,
agrochemicals, veterinary science, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Full agenda and
registration option. |
 | IMRI Pharmaceutical Conference
Internet/Intranet Pharmaceutical
Conferences (PharmInfoNet)
 | International Standardization
Organization (ISO)
European Patent Office
This site provides details of patent information products. The EPO are planning to
provide access to a searchable database of European patents in the near future. |
 | IBM Patent Server
IBM provides access to over 26 years of US Patent and Trademark Office patent
descriptions as well as the last 23 years of images. The database is searchable by patent
number or text word and it retrieves the front page details with abstract. An option to
view the patent in full and print off is available. |
 | Patent Office
A useful place to start to locate basic information on patents and the patenting
procedure. The services available through the Patent Office, plus contact details are also
outlined. Useful links are provided to other patent and trade mark offices, UK government
departments, international organizations, academic bodies, and other intellectual property
organizations. |
 | World Intellectual Property Organization
Provides useful information on WIPO, such as its history, organization, structure, and
function. Gives access to the PCT Gazette a patent information database containing the
first page data (bibliographic data, abstract and drawing) of published PCT applications. |
 | US Patent and Trademark Office
Lots of information on the US patent system with a free search facility to US patents.
These include both the US patent bibliographic database from January 1, 1976 onwards, and
the AIDS patent database of the full text and images of AIDS-related patents issued by the
US, Japanese and European patent office. |
 | Hoovers on-line
Hoover's cover more than 12,600 US and foreign, public and private companies. Primarily
a charged service it does provide some basic company information free. The free search
allows searching by company name, ticker symbol, and keyword. The company capsule includes
a brief overview of the company, web site link, basic essential financials, and key
people. Also provided are links to subsidiaries Web sites, financial links to annual and
quarterly figures, and SEC filings. News links into sites with news information and press