| |
Search Engines-Selection:
 | Ahoy! - The Homepage Find. |
 | AltaVista - web and newsgroup
search engine. |
 | Aqueous - dedicated to sites that have water
related content. |
 | Arthur - ART media and text HUb and
Retrieval System. Search the images and text of nearly 600 Selected Websites organized
into five databases. Images can be retrieved by image similarity, or by keywords in the
Web pages. |
 | AvatarSearch - search engine on the internet
totally dedicated to magic, paganism and the occult. Offers exceptional URL add and update
features. |
 | BabyOIL - resource discovery system -
Simple interface to some of the most popular Internet resources: WWW, Libraries, Software,
People, Tech Report, Online documents |
 | Black Widow Search - combines the best
features of a web spider and a directory. Includes the ability to instantly add your URL
with no waiting period. |
 | Company Site Locator - The tool for
searching for companies' websites when you don't know the exact URL address. |
 | Discovery Channel Online
Search Engine |
 | Electric Monk - allows users to perform
natural language web searches in plain English. |
 | Excite - is a global media Co. offering consumers
and advertisers comprehensive Internet navigation services with extensive personalization
capabilities. Excite, Inc.'s services include the Excite and WebCrawler brands. |
 | Fido the Shopping Doggie |
 | Filez - search page with an index of over 60 million
files and all the popular corporate and shareware sites. |
 | Funny Site - search engine for
humor sites. |
 | GeoIndex - search tool for geo-environmental
professionals. |
 | GoTo - top-down and bottom-up internet
search engine with top 100 search term lists, best of the web editor's picks, and
in-context, attribute tagged search results. |
 | HotBot |
 | India Search Engine - indexes Indian
publications and web sites. |
 | Inference Find - the intelligent
massively fast parallel web search. |
 | Infohiway - Point-n-go access to the Infohiway.
GeoSurfer reveals the web geographically, Plus... FTP, Gopherspace and more. |
 | Informant Server, The - personal search
agent; will send email when your favorite urls are updated. |
 | InfoSeek - develops branded, comprehensive
Web-based navigational services that help users access and personalize the resources of
the Internet. Infoseek Corporation's primary service, Infoseek Guide, integrates the
capabilities of a search engine and a directory. |
 | InfoTiger Search Engine - Intelligent search - COOL
ranking! |
 | James Kirk Search Engine - looks
specifically for Star Trek sites. |
 | Lycos - develops and provides online guides to
locate and filter information on the Internet. Products enable users to accurately
identify and select information of interest to them. |
 | MathSearch - search a
collection of mathematical Web material |
 | Matilda - waltz the web. |
 | MSN Internet Search |
 | MusicSearch - music search engine with over 5,000
links and growing. |
 | Netword - a word or short phrase that provides free
access to an Internet destination. People & companies are creating Networds so you can
find their information easily. |
 | Pregnancy and Parenting
Search Engine - a search engine devoted to pregnancy and parenting related web sites.
Categories include a range of topics relating to pregnancy, parenting, and family issues. |
 | Public Safety Search Engine
- features law enforcement, fire and ems related web sites. Add your site or search for
your favorite. |
 | Scour.Net - guide to multimedia on the Internet. Use
it to find audio, video, images and animation. |
 | Search Argos - search for web sites and
documents that cover the ancient world. |
 | Snoopie - Over 5 million files have been indexed
for download at over 450 ftp sites World Wide. A search can be completed as fast as 10
milliseconds. |
 | Super Snooper - for kids and adults who prefer not to
be presented with obscenity, hatred, drug-promotion or bigotry on the internet. |
 | TheLinks - includes major search engines,
plus 800 numbers, zip codes, usp, yellow pages and medical databases. |
 | WebDirect! - add, modify or delete websites and/or
Yellow Page indexes, keywords, and display search results the way you want to. |
 | Webseek - content based image and
video catalog and search tool provides searching through one million images and videos by
subject categories, text and visual features. |
 | WWWomen Search Directory - comprehensive search
engine. Includes resources for arts, business, computers, internet, education, feminism,
health, lesbians, magazines, shopping, fashion, sports, and more. |
 | Zebra - search South Africa. |
 | 2ask - find what you're looking for online the fast
and easy way with 2ask's "Cyber-Gadget" collection of 1000+ searchable
databases. |
 | AddURLs |
 | Advertising Resources On The WWW |
 | AOL NetFind |
 | Argus Clearinghouse - if you're interested
in what the Net has to offer, the Clearinghouse can help. |
 | Beaucoup! - geographically specific
search engines. |
 | Blackworld - gateway to Africa, the Indian
Subcontinent, Europe, the Far East, the Caribbean and African America. |
 | CyberSpud - join CyberSpud the Internet Couch
Potato, in a tour of Cyberspace. |
 | E-Map - provides a starting point for entry into
places of enlightenment, entertainment and education on the Internet. |
 | eBlast |
 | Eye on the Web - web navigation for the next
generation. |
 | Family Safe Startup-Page - family-oriented
directory. Includes links for homeschooling and homework help. |
 | HotLava - a quick and dirty categorized search
engine. |
 | InfoSeek - develops branded, comprehensive
Web-based navigational services that help users access and personalize the resources of
the Internet. Infoseek Corporation's primary service, Infoseek Guide, integrates the
capabilities of a search engine and a directory. |
 | Internet Sleuth - Collection of
over 1,500 searchable databases covering a wide variety of topics. Parallel searching
allows the simultaneous search of up to 10 databases within categories. |
 | Jump City - The online version of the
book,"What's on the Web", published by Internet Media and available in
bookstores nationwide. |
 | LinkedUp - personalize your own web directory
that's accessible to everyone. |
 | Microsoft Library |
 | Mining Co., The - extensive network of sites by
subject specialists who write articles, host discussions, publish free email newsletters
and provide personally-reviewed links for each topic. |
 | Montazh Multimedia Network - blend of
news and entertainment links that have been combined into one easy to use location. The
What's Going On section has links to auto sites around America. |
 | murl.com - free online bookmark and favorites
manager. |
 | SuperSeek Web Search - search your choice of
eight engines at the same time, as well as newsgroups, family areas, and more. |
 | Top Ten Sites - top ten sites by category. |
 | Video Games On Line (VGOL) - comprehensive listing of
links to every major company in the gaming industry. |
 | WebCrawler |
 | What can you do on the World Wide Web? |
 | Whoopie! - index of audio and video. |
 | WorldNow - divided into content categories
including news, weather, local happenings, movies, videos, music, games, sports, travel,
dining, and more. |
 | Yahoo! - global Internet Media
company that offers a network of branded World Wide Web programming. Yahoo! Inc. provides
Internet resources and communications service and generates revenues by selling
advertising space. |
 | All 4 One Search Machine |
 | All-in-One Search Page - Search over 120
of the Internet's best engines, databases, and indexes from a single site! Easily the most
comprehensive resource of its type available. |
 | Argus Music Searcher - multisearch
generator that uses artist names and/or album titles to return results from the web and
usenet. Most major commercial search services are used. |
 | Ask Jeeves |
 | Beaucoup Search Engines - More than
350 search engines in categorized tables. Also in 6 languages, all-in-one searches, and
forms. |
 | CaBOOM! - why search
in one if you can search in all? |
 | Cosmix Mother Load - featuring "The
Insane Search". |
 | Dogpile - multi-engine semi-parallel search
interface. Searches logically through several search engines until 10 matches are found.
Allows use of boolean and proximity operators. |
 | eDirectory - the worlds search engines,
categorized by country. |
 | El Hazard's Search - links
to several search engines throughout the internet. |
 | EZ-Find - This
utility lets you enter keywords to search for on the Net, and then submit them in turn to
several search engines without having to retype them for each engine. |
 | Fast Search |
 | File Wire - tool for
shareware, freeware, virus protection and industry news for all major platforms. |
 | Find It |
 | Find it Fast |
 | Find-It! - A complete internet search tool
for finding web/www documents, people, software, and Usenet newsgroups with a cool
interface. Search them all from one page! |
 | Findspot - an internet searching gateway designed
to assist users in creating searches that retrieve a manageable list of useful results. |
 | Internet Sleuth, The - Collection of over 1,500
searchable databases covering a wide variety of topics. Parallel searching allows the
simultaneous search of up to 10 databases within categories. |
 | Mamma - mother of all search engines. |
 | MetaCrawler - allows you to search through
multiple search crawlers at once. |
 | Metafind - searches through all the large search
engines and collates results. |
 | MetaGopher - multi-engine search tool. |
 | Metasearch - Enter your search terms and choose
advanced features like boolean operators just once -- then search multiple engines without
ever re-typing. |
 | Snake Eyes -
Search the internet with all of the most powerful search engines out there on one
page...its quick and easy!! |
 | Start Page - From one form, search the
top 10 internet search engines, news sources, businesses, dictionaries, movies and stocks.
Also, submit your site to several search engines. |
 | Submit.Com |
 | SuperSeek Web Search - search your choice of
eight engines at the same time, as well as newsgroups, family areas, and more. |
 | Surfer, The - compilation of portals to
search engines, and a thematically organized Web site directory. |
IMedicalI Medjournals IPharmaIPharmcoIPakistan
This page was last updated on
January 24, 1999
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