| |
Masters Page is meant to share with the visitor the netsurfing experiences of webmaster
of MEDPHARMLINKS.The focus will be on topics and sites/links of interests to the
 | Amputation Prevention Global Resource Center
- clinical, educational and research information. |
 | An Exchange: Type 1 Diabetics
in High School and College - for communication between young diabetics. |
 | Ask NOAH:
 | Barbara Davis Center for Childhood
Diabetes - a clinic and research facility that provides care for children and adults
with Type I Diabetes. |
 | Beta Buddies - offers diabetes management
information, recipies, and advice. |
 | CDC Diabetes - features state contacts,
articles, a Diabetes Fact Sheet and an opportunity to ask about diabetes. |
 | Children with Diabetes |
 | Dia B Tees Info Center -
information on alternative remedies, chat rooms, message boards, and links. |
 | DiabCare Quality Network in Europe - European
consortium for the target of improvement in diabetes care by aggregation of anonymized
patient data with the tools of modern telematics. |
 | Diabetes & Hypoglycemia Forum - for
diabetics, their families, friends, medical professionals, and people with an interest in
diabetes. |
 | Diabetes Adventure - dedicated to inspire
and inform diabetics on the benefits of physical exercise. |
 | Diabetes and Insulin
Reactions |
 | Diabetes Education
Center - managing your diabetes from Eli Lilly and Company. |
 | Diabetes Forum - forums, chat, library,
announcements, hot links, recipes and more. |
 | Diabetes Information
Page |
 | Diabetes
Mellitus: A Reader's Guide |
 | Diabetes Monitor - Monitoring diabetes happenings
everywhere in cyberspace. |
 | Diabetes Petition to
President Clinton |
 | Diabetes Scene - diabetes information with a
Canadian twist. |
 | Diabetes Services - books, information,
insulin pumps, newsletters, and tapes on diabetes. |
 | Diabetes UK - provides information to assist in
the management of diabetes. |
 | Diabetes Well - resource for people with
diabetes. |
 | Diabetes.com - information resource and
online community for diabetics. |
 | Diabetes: A Gentle Approach to a
Tough Problem - an interview with a healthcare team who treats the larger person who
has diabetes in a more size-friendly, gentler approach to health. |
 | Diabetic Daily Log (TDDL) -
diabetic software that can be downloaded to your pc to help manage diabetes. |
 | Diabetic DataCentre -
Collection of data, software, articles and links for the diabetic community |
 | Doctor's Guide to the Internet - Diabetes
- A guide to diabetes-related information and resources likely to be of interest to
medical professionals and/or patients. |
 | DRInet - The Academy for the Advancement of
Diabetes Research and Treatment's project to optimize information transfer in the field of
diabetes, including islet transplantation. |
 | Family's Guide To Diabetes - by a diabetic kid
for diabetic kids. |
 | Famous Diabetics |
 | International Diabetes Web Site - comprehensive site
with the latest information on diabetes presented by the International Diabetes Institute,
Australia. |
 | Kids Learn About Diabetes -
informational/tutorial site designed for kids, by kids (with supervision by a pediatric
endocrinologist). |
 | LogBook'97 -
software designed to help track blood glucose trends in the diabetic. |
 | On-line Resources for Diabetics -
directory of Web sites, mailing lists and other resources to manage your diabetes. |
 | SciWeb Center on Diabetes - presents an array
of information relevant to anyone interested in topics surrounding diabetes. |
 | Teens with Diabetes |
 | Tim's
Diabetes Discussion - a place for diabetics of all ages to ask questions and exchange
information & support. |
 | University of Washington Diabetes
Prevention Program - nationwide research study looking at ways people can avoid
getting diabetes. |
 | FAQ -
Diabetes |
 | Heart & Stroke
A-Z Guide |
 | HeartPoint - multimedia site for patient
information and education. |
 | Ask NOAH: Heart
Disease and Stroke |
 | Cardiac HealthWeb - featuring Ask the
Cardiologist, this site is dedicated to the promotion of cardiovascular health. |
 | Cardiac News on the Net - links to
cardiac news, clinical trials, medical literature searches, books and more. |
 | Cardio.Net - information resource and discussion
forum on cardiovascular medicine and the vascular complications of diabetes for health
care professionals. |
 | Cardiovascular Disease in the Black
Population - discusses heart disease, blood pressure and its effect on the black
population in the US. |
 | Cholesterol Myths |
 | Coronary Heart
Disease Risk Calculator |
 | Dynamic Cardiomyoplasty - notice
of availability of supplement to medical therapy for people with advance heart therapy. |
 | Health Corner - provides information
on heart health, and for overcoming obesity. |
 | Heart & Lipid - medical site for
Cardiovascular diseases. |
 | Heart Disease
"Straight from the Heart" - community awareness project by HOSA chapter
7143, our page has helpful information about heart disease. |
 | Heart HomePage - comprehensive health and
medical information from doctors about cardiology, coronary care, angioplasty, stroke,
vascular disease, angina, cholesterol, blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. |
 | Heart Net - designed to educate people about
the heart and its associated disorders. Includes an interactive quiz and risk assessment. |
 | HeartInfo - independently provides current
information for heart patients, physicians, and others to identify and reduce risks for
heart disease. |
 | High Triglycerides Cause Heart Attacks |
 | Live Healthier, Live Longer - lowering
cholesterol for the person with heart disease. From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute. |
 | Pediheart |
 | Take Wellness To Heart - an AHA site
that provides information about heart disease and stroke in women. |
 | Triglycerides
and Coronary Risk in Women and the Elderly |
 | Triglycerides Defined |
 | Triglycerides Predict
Heart Attack |
 | Triglycerides Predict Heart
Problems |
 | Heart Disease - information on
preserving and improving health with this scientifically-proven program featuring a
low-fat vegetarian diet, exercise and stress management techniques. |
 | Web Directory: Doctor's Guide to the
Internet - Elevated Cholesterol - guide to cholesterol-related information and
resources likely to be of interest to medical professionals and/or patients. |
 | Yale University School of Medicine
Heart Book - intended for a general audience, topics covered include Cholesterol,
Lowering Your Risk for Heart Disease, Exercise, and Heart Surgery. Requires Adobe Acrobat
Reader. |
 | FAQ - HeartInfo |
 | JAMA Migraine
Information Center |
 | Karyn's Basilar Artery Migraine (BAM) Page -
information on regular migraine, stroke prevention, TIAs, and other related topics. |
 | MAGNUM Inc. - Migraine Awareness Group: a
National Understanding for Migraineurs. |
 | Migraine - Doctor's Guide to the Internet
- medical news and information for patients. |
 | Migraine Association of Canada - source of
education and information on migraine and its medical, social and economic effects. |
 | Migraine Foundation, The
- charitable organization dedicated to empowering migraine sufferers to obtain relief from
suffering. |
 | Migraine Headaches and MSG -
information to help migraine and headache sufferers determine if their pain is triggered
by Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in their food and beverages. |
 | Migraine Pane - information
about coping with migraine headaches, triggers, and links to other migraine resources. |
 | Migraine Resource Center |
 | Migraines - for
those with Migraines to come and gather information, references and support. |
 | MigraineZine |
 | Ronda's Migraine Page - information,
resources, support, links, and an on-line journal for sufferers of migraine, cluster and
other headaches. |
 | FAQ - Migraine |
IMedicalI Medjournals IPharmaIPharmcoIPakistan
This page was last updated on January 24, 1999
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