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Masters Page is meant to share with the visitor the netsurfing experiences of webmaster of MEDPHARMLINKS.The focus will be on topics and sites/links of interests to the webmaster.


Amputation Prevention Global Resource Center - clinical, educational and research information.
An Exchange: Type 1 Diabetics in High School and College - for communication between young diabetics.

Ask NOAH: Diabetes

Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes - a clinic and research facility that provides care for children and adults with Type I Diabetes.
Beta Buddies - offers diabetes management information, recipies, and advice.
CDC Diabetes - features state contacts, articles, a Diabetes Fact Sheet and an opportunity to ask about diabetes.
Children with Diabetes
Dia B Tees Info Center - information on alternative remedies, chat rooms, message boards, and links.
DiabCare Quality Network in Europe - European consortium for the target of improvement in diabetes care by aggregation of anonymized patient data with the tools of modern telematics.
Diabetes & Hypoglycemia Forum - for diabetics, their families, friends, medical professionals, and people with an interest in diabetes.
Diabetes Adventure - dedicated to inspire and inform diabetics on the benefits of physical exercise.
Diabetes and Insulin Reactions
Diabetes Education Center - managing your diabetes from Eli Lilly and Company.
Diabetes Forum - forums, chat, library, announcements, hot links, recipes and more.
Diabetes Information Page
Diabetes Mellitus: A Reader's Guide
Diabetes Monitor - Monitoring diabetes happenings everywhere in cyberspace.
Diabetes Petition to President Clinton
Diabetes Scene - diabetes information with a Canadian twist.
Diabetes Services - books, information, insulin pumps, newsletters, and tapes on diabetes.
Diabetes UK - provides information to assist in the management of diabetes.
Diabetes Well - resource for people with diabetes. - information resource and online community for diabetics.
Diabetes: A Gentle Approach to a Tough Problem - an interview with a healthcare team who treats the larger person who has diabetes in a more size-friendly, gentler approach to health.
Diabetic Daily Log (TDDL) - diabetic software that can be downloaded to your pc to help manage diabetes.
Diabetic DataCentre - Collection of data, software, articles and links for the diabetic community
Doctor's Guide to the Internet - Diabetes - A guide to diabetes-related information and resources likely to be of interest to medical professionals and/or patients.
DRInet - The Academy for the Advancement of Diabetes Research and Treatment's project to optimize information transfer in the field of diabetes, including islet transplantation.
Family's Guide To Diabetes - by a diabetic kid for diabetic kids.
Famous Diabetics
International Diabetes Web Site - comprehensive site with the latest information on diabetes presented by the International Diabetes Institute, Australia.
Kids Learn About Diabetes - informational/tutorial site designed for kids, by kids (with supervision by a pediatric endocrinologist).
LogBook'97 - software designed to help track blood glucose trends in the diabetic.
On-line Resources for Diabetics - directory of Web sites, mailing lists and other resources to manage your diabetes.
SciWeb Center on Diabetes - presents an array of information relevant to anyone interested in topics surrounding diabetes.
Teens with Diabetes
Tim's Diabetes Discussion - a place for diabetics of all ages to ask questions and exchange information & support.
University of Washington Diabetes Prevention Program - nationwide research study looking at ways people can avoid getting diabetes.
FAQ - Diabetes



EpiCentre - provide information about epilepsy and its treatment.
Epilepsy in Young Children
Epilepsy International - resource for those dealing with epilepsy on a day-to-day basis and health care professionals working on the treatment and research.
Iain's Epilepsy Site - containing a variety of resources including personal insights, list of famous people with epilepsy, and more.
International Calendar of Epilepsy Conferences & Seminars - listing of conferences and meetings to be held world-wide for professionals dealing in the research and treatment of epilepsy.
Ketogenic Diet - treatment for epilepsy.
Ketogenic Diet Program - from the Stanford Medical Center
Merritt-Putnam Lectures on Epilepsy - professional programs on new approaches to the management epilepsy and neurological disorders.
Montana Epilepsy Program - offer varieties of epilepsy diagnosis and treatments which include sleep & awake EEG studies, Video-EEG monitoring studies, the phase I evaluations for possible epilepsy surgery, and variety of seizure drug studies.
Questionnaire for Epileptics
Sarah's Epilepsy Resources
Traumatic Brain Injury and Epilepsy - personal stories, poems, and information resources.
FAQ - About Epilepsy
FAQ - Epilepsy - Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) about Epilepsy


American Epilepsy Society - non-profit organization servicing professionals in the field of epilepsy.
British Epilepsy Association - BEACON
Epilepsy Ontario
National Society for Epilepsy, UK


Heart & Stroke A-Z Guide
HeartPoint - multimedia site for patient information and education.
Ask NOAH: Heart Disease and Stroke
Cardiac HealthWeb - featuring Ask the Cardiologist, this site is dedicated to the promotion of cardiovascular health.
Cardiac News on the Net - links to cardiac news, clinical trials, medical literature searches, books and more.
Cardio.Net - information resource and discussion forum on cardiovascular medicine and the vascular complications of diabetes for health care professionals.
Cardiovascular Disease in the Black Population - discusses heart disease, blood pressure and its effect on the black population in the US.
Cholesterol Myths
Coronary Heart Disease Risk Calculator
Dynamic Cardiomyoplasty - notice of availability of supplement to medical therapy for people with advance heart therapy.
Health Corner - provides information on heart health, and for overcoming obesity.
Heart & Lipid - medical site for Cardiovascular diseases.
Heart Disease "Straight from the Heart" - community awareness project by HOSA chapter 7143, our page has helpful information about heart disease.
Heart HomePage - comprehensive health and medical information from doctors about cardiology, coronary care, angioplasty, stroke, vascular disease, angina, cholesterol, blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and hypertension.
Heart Net - designed to educate people about the heart and its associated disorders. Includes an interactive quiz and risk assessment.
HeartInfo - independently provides current information for heart patients, physicians, and others to identify and reduce risks for heart disease.
High Triglycerides Cause Heart Attacks
Live Healthier, Live Longer - lowering cholesterol for the person with heart disease. From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Take Wellness To Heart - an AHA site that provides information about heart disease and stroke in women.
Triglycerides and Coronary Risk in Women and the Elderly
Triglycerides Defined
Triglycerides Predict Heart Attack
Triglycerides Predict Heart Problems
Heart Disease - information on preserving and improving health with this scientifically-proven program featuring a low-fat vegetarian diet, exercise and stress management techniques.
Web Directory: Doctor's Guide to the Internet - Elevated Cholesterol - guide to cholesterol-related information and resources likely to be of interest to medical professionals and/or patients.
Yale University School of Medicine Heart Book - intended for a general audience, topics covered include Cholesterol, Lowering Your Risk for Heart Disease, Exercise, and Heart Surgery. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
FAQ - HeartInfo


Angina and Heart Attack
Angina Patient Information


High Blood Pressure - information from the American Heart Association.
High Blood Pressure Information for Health Care Professionals
How to Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control
Inter-American Society of Hypertension - non-profit professional organization devoted to the understanding, prevention and control of hypertension and vascular diseases in the American population.
Living With High Blood Pressure - information from the American Osteopathic Association.
Pulmonary Hypertension Association - volunteer support organization for patients with primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension.
World Hypertension League


What is Thrombosis
Thrombosis Interest Group-Canada
Thrombosis Research at Mount Sinai
Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis Index
Deep Venous Thrombosis(DVT)


Heart & Stroke A-Z Guide
Brooks, Dawn Marie - to give support to families of stroke victims, help raise money for Dawn's recovery, and related resources.
Cerebrovascular Accident
Cerebrovascular Diseases - official journal of the European Stroke Council.
Rehabilitation for Strokes - analysis of motor dysfunction and exercises for those with an abnormal sense of equilibrium.
Scientific American: A Strike Against Stroke - new drugs promise to prevent some of the ensuing brain damage.
Stroke and Aging Research Project - list of references to the major publications of the Stroke and Aging Research Project.
Stroke Resource Organization Guide at MGH - A guide to organizations providing support and education for people with strokes.
Stroke Teaching Presentation - comprehensive introduction to stroke for patients, families and rehabilitation team members.
StrokeCenter - updated information about stroke care and research for patients, family members, and health care professionals.
Struck by Stroke - story of stroke survivor E.B. Jelks. Read his uplifting story and follow the links for stroke information.



Depression-Net - comprehensive information on depression, causes of depression, facts and treatment forums. - the latest news and information about depression and its treatment, with individual sections devoted to specific types of depression, symptoms and treatments.
Aggression-Driven Depression Site - 5-HT-related depression, dysregulation of anxiety and/or aggression.
Children and Clinical Depression - a guide to clinical depression in children.
Depression Alliance - charity run by and for sufferers of depression which provides a quarterly newsletter, and a penfriend scheme.
Depression Central
Depression Guidelines
Haveaheart's Depression and Suicide Home - articles aimed at helping depressed and suicidal people better understand what they are going through.
Hypericum & Depression - includes information on how to obtain research-grade hypericum.
National Foundation For Depressive Illness, Inc.
Online Depression Screening Test (ODST) - to detect depressive symptoms that need medical/psychiatric/psychological attention. Also includes NIMH resources and information. - information for those dealing with suicidal depression. Author's story included.
Suicide and Depression - site created for open and anonomous discussion. Post your thoughts on the bulletin board.
FAQ - Depression


Insomnia Information and Resources - medical news and information for patients or friends/parents of patients.
Insomnia? Just Go To Sleep and Forget It
Sleep/Insomnia Program - resources for sleep problems, insomnia, and personal growth.



JAMA Migraine Information Center
Karyn's Basilar Artery Migraine (BAM) Page - information on regular migraine, stroke prevention, TIAs, and other related topics.
MAGNUM Inc. - Migraine Awareness Group: a National Understanding for Migraineurs.
Migraine - Doctor's Guide to the Internet - medical news and information for patients.
Migraine Association of Canada - source of education and information on migraine and its medical, social and economic effects.
Migraine Foundation, The - charitable organization dedicated to empowering migraine sufferers to obtain relief from suffering.
Migraine Headaches and MSG - information to help migraine and headache sufferers determine if their pain is triggered by Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in their food and beverages.
Migraine Pane - information about coping with migraine headaches, triggers, and links to other migraine resources.
Migraine Resource Center
Migraines - for those with Migraines to come and gather information, references and support.
Ronda's Migraine Page - information, resources, support, links, and an on-line journal for sufferers of migraine, cluster and other headaches.
FAQ - Migraine


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