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Life Science Dictionary This illustrated glossary concentrates
mainly on terms associated with genetics and biochemistry. There are
short definitions for each term, a search facility, and an alphabetical
listing of all the entries (over 2000).
BUBL Dictionary of Cell
Biology (Academic Press Limited) The Dictionary is intended to
provide quick access to easily understood and cross-referenced
definitions of terms frequently encountered in biology literature. This
is the second edition, published in April 1995, together with
enhancements, hypertext links, and new entries planned for the third
edition. The Dictionary is published by Academic Press.
of Epidemiology (University of Cambridge) The Wellcome Center
makes this dictionary available as a service to the epidemiological
community for the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease. It focuses on
modern quantitative methods in infectious disease epidemiology.
Glossary of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Portland Press) An online
version of the Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology compiled
by David M. Glick and published on the Web and in print by Portland
Association for the Study of Pain - A Virtual Pocket Dictionary of Pain
Terms The International Association for the Study of Pain has
provided this short alphabetical listing of definitions of pain
terminology, which is still under development
Hopkins School Medicine's Interactive Respiratory Physiology
Dictionary This dictionary forms part of a collection of
teaching materials under development at Johns Hopkins University and
includes an encyclopaedia.
Liszt (e-mail lists) Medical Terminology
Related Acronyms
Dictionary of Mental Health (InterPsych and the Center for
Psychotherapeutic Studies) This dictionary, from the Center
for Psychotherapeutic Studies, University of Sheffield, and InterPsych,
provides links to key web sites containing information on the subject,
as well as a search engine searching a wide range of mental health
On-line Medical Dictionary
(CancerWEB) Provides detailed definitions of medical terms
relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, medicine, molecular
biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and
TUV Product Service Understanding the Medical Devices
Directive Webmaster Reference
Matrix Aimed primarily at US doctors this site
specializes in clinical resources, with sites reported to be peer
reviewed and ranked with annotated references. The home page is divided
into specialty and diseases, clinical practice, literature, education,
healthcare and professionals computers and marketplace. Again, select
the heading of interest and work down a hierarchy to a list of sites to
select from. Access therapeutic categories, journal sites, news
services, and courses. A search facility is also included.
OMNI (Organizing Medical Networked
Information) This site covers resources in medicine,
biomedicine, health management, and related topics. Nearly 3500
evaluated sites are described. From the home page a quick search option
is available, just type in a word and a list of sites with some
description is retrieved. The search option allow more complex searching
to take place to home in exactly on what is required, such as
restricting to the UK. Links are given to other gateway services that
allow searching from the OMNI site.
WWW Virtual
Library: Medicine
Adverse Drug
Reactions Contents page and abstracts available for this
quarterly journal from 1996. The issues are searchable and the table of
contents can be received by e-mail.
AIDS Clinical Trials Information
Service ASIAN
Biotechnology Database Better Health &
Medicine Between
Rounds BioCommerce
Biotechnology Industry
Organization B I O - The Biotechnology Industry Organization
is a trade organization representing the industry primarily in the
United States, including companies of all sizes, academic institutions
and state biotechnology centers engaged in the development of products
and services in many related areas. A site search facility is available
as well as links to meetings, publications including links to full text
and contents pages of journals, and company profiles with links to
homepages. Links to databases, news resources such as press releases and
journals, bioethics sites, FDA legislation, academic sites and
world-wide organizations are included.
Cancer information site (Mining
Co.) CapWeb - The Citizen's
Guide to Congress Cardiology information site
(Mining Co.) Clinica
Reports Clinical
Pharmacology Online Clinmark
Dotcom Computers in
Pharmacy ConnectedHealth.Net Cyberspace Telemedical
Office The Department
of Family Medicine's Web site DictSearch -
All-in-one dictionary search Europa Evidence Based
Medicine - Bridging Evidence to Practice The Canadian based
project is a subgroup of the Evidence Based Medicine Working Group. Its
role is to look at ways to enhance the user guides to medical
literature. The project helps to disseminate the Working Group products
on the Internet. The site provides access to teaching and support
material, and links to evidence-based Internet health resources,
including directories, bibliographies, electronic books and journals in
a number of medically related areas.
HealthEconomics Links
to sites on health economics, medical, and pharmacy areas. Categorised
by associations, consulting, databases, education/universities,
employment, government, journals and publications, libraries,
miscellaneous, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, pharmacy resources,
and questionnaires/performance assessment.
HealthIndex UK
Health on the Net
Foundation Health on the Net Foundation is a non-profit
organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. From the home page
search the Internet and the database for medical sites, hospitals, and
support groups. Other areas that can be accessed include distribution
lists, FAQs, the HON library providing access to conference papers and
other medical sources, daily news, and conferences. Free access to
MEDLINE is available through this site.
Leukemia Research
Fund Maxim Medical Medical Access Online
Network Medical Device
Link MedicalRecord.com
Medical Resources on the
Internet This site provides a list of sites categorized as
search engines and basic resources, government organizations, private
organizations and universities. Not comprehensive but useful links
MedicineNet MedicineNet is
a network of US Board Physicians from a range of specialties, aiming to
provide medical information to the public. A number of dictionaries are
available here including diseases and treatments; pharmacy/drugs and a
medical dictionary.
MedicusLinks Provides
links to new sites, sites in Japan (written in Japanese) and global
sites subdivided by professional, literature, education, medical,
pharmaceutical, and specialty, which are further subdivided to reach a
list of sites.
MEDIVISION PubMed Advanced
MEDLINE Search MedNet MedPartners MEDTOX
Medical Resources
on the Internet This gives access to sites providing
information on biomedical resources, categorized by a country index,
region index, and a keyword index. The country and region index gives
access to both state and city level depending on the country. Once
selected can pick from a list of resources which, vary with the country
ranging from directories, therapeutic categories, societies, medical
schools, for example. Keyword index allows access by broad subject and
then by sub-category or alphabetically.
MHinteractive Michigan State Medical
Society Microsoft
Healthcare NCI's
cancerTrials site
OncoLink: A University of
Pennsylvania Cancer Center Resource Links to cancer research
groups, government sites, medical associations, online references and
databases, hospitals, support groups, etc. Links to journals on the
subject, many with abstracts or in full text plus reviews of recently
published articles included. Includes a searchable database or can
access via a hierarchical menu by diseases or medical specialties.
Details of clinical trials included.
OnHealth.com Online Laparoscopic Technical
Manual Online Management
of Breast Diseases Optum Pathology Informatics The Patient Education
Institute PCS Health
Systems Pharmdoc's
Health Outcomes Resource Center Physicians' Online ProxyMed RAPID Rite Aid Rxlist Rxtra
The SMTL Medical Disposables and Wound
Management Web site Telemedicine and the
Law (USA) Telemedicine
Information Exchange Telemedicine
Resources Telemedicine
Resources and Services Theta Reports THRIVE
UK Health
Center Access the library to reveal a list of subjects
categorised under healthcare sites and under medical sites. Such topics
include pharmacy, veterinary medicine, drugs, patient information,
clinical guidelines, orthopedics, etc. Clicking on these topics leads to
lists of sites to select from. What's new highlights addition to the
site, and the staff room provides access to web sites offering
literature searching, news sources, conferences, mailing lists, etc. The
clinic provides access to web sites providing information on drugs,
disease and contact information.
Hospital The Virtual
School of Molecular Sciences Women's Health
Interactive Worldwide
Healthcare Forums
The World-Wide Web Virtual
Library: Biotechnology The products and services section
provides over 400 links to other companies. Other links provide access
to organizations, research sites, educational sites, publishers and
publications, Web sites in areas such as pharmacology, genetics research
and engineering, biosciences, pharmaceutical development, clinical
trials and regulatory affairs. Links to over 100 current seminars and
courses of interest in pharmaceutical development are also
(Biosciences) CliniWeb
IMedicalI Medjournals IPharmaIPharmcoIPakistan INetlifeINetsearchIMasters'ICriticizeI
This page was last updated on August 18, 1999
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